I'm trying to get through a handful of questions that a friend had asked me regarding working out, making it work, eating, the whole shabang. Once I think I have things figured out, something changes. Inevitably, right?
When I was in the Army, this whole working out/eating right thing seemed to work so seemlessly. For all intensive purposes, my last job in the Army I was on a bit of my own schedule. At the time for me, working out always worked great at lunch time. If I wasn't able to get it in at lunch b/c something came up, I was able to leave work a little early to knock out the workout just in time to pick up the kids before daycare closed. All fine and dandy.
That was a year ago...then school happened.
My workout world was rocked when I started school. Not that school was the issue, but more than anything the 2 hour [in one direction] commute really put a kink in things. Every semester I have to make adjustments with my workout schedule as it pertains to my school schedule. I try to keep the rule that I do not workout (or study) when my kids are awake b/c that is their time.
During school, if my schedule allows I prefer to workout with the ladies' Crossfit group in the wee hours of the morning. If that doesn't work, my next option is a mid-day workout if my class schedule that day is only half day. If that doesn't work, then I probably don't workout b/c studying during the semester always took place from 9pm to midnight which doesn't leave room for working out. Sleeping takes place from midnight to 5am.
Now, I'm currently working for free in my first clinical. The clinical is going great by the way. My hours are 8am-4:30pm. I have a 45 minute commute in one direction [without traffic] and get home around 6pm. I leave the house at 6:45 in the morning. Seeing how my gym doesn't open until 5:30am and I like sleep too much to use my garage gym, I NEVER get in that workout before my clinical. Luckily, I don't have to come home and study after 'work.' I'm able to play with the kids, eat dinner with the kids, play a little more with the kids, bathe the kids, and put them to bed. At which time, I either go to the Cadet gym on post or use our garage gym from 9pm-10/10:30pm.
Each time my schedule changes, I get stressed about how I'm going to fit in my workouts. Somehow I always manage to figure it out. My mom (who is currently staying with me to help b/c Matt is away for Army training) can't understand how I like to workout at 9pm. The answer is, I DON'T like to workout then. HOWEVER, the other option is to not workout and that is NOT an option.
I've learned through this whole process that FLEXIBILITY IS KEY. I have also learned to survive on less sleep. This is a learned skill since starting school and being a parent. The other option is to not workout and that is not an option.
So my advice to people who think they don't have time, are too tired, are too busy, whatever.....YOU ARE WRONG! B/c if you understand that not working out is not a viable option, then you will jump on board with me.
Tonight's workout agenda:
Location: Chase garage gym
Chest day: Push ups, bench press, working on the chest pull strengthen portion of a muscle up on rings. (I can't do a muscle up, yet....I intend to by the end of the summer!)
HIIT: 35 min of treadmill HIIT.
Completely agree about flexibility being the key. I am a teacher and I had to learn that VERY quick in my job--> now I just try my hardest to transfer that over to my fitness.