Friday, January 25, 2013

The apple never falls too far from the tree

I'm going to make a pretty big generalization here.  And it's not all entirely true 100% of the time, but generally I see some trends.  I feel like the apple never falls too far from the tree.  My parents (both of them) have always been active with exercise.  Going to the gym has always been a part of their normal lives.  I don't remember a long period of time ever when either of my parents weren't working out.  Interest in exercise for myself and my brother started at a young age with sports and staying fit in the off seasons. 

So fast forward to adulthood now for me.  Being fit, getting more fit (b/c we all can always be more fit), and hopefully helping others be fit is my life and will play some sort of role in my career.  My brother is still active himself and enjoys running, biking, hiking, and participating in triathlons.  Our parents are 62 years old and they still exercise.  I'm not talking your leisure stroll to the mailbox exercise or even a walk around the block.  I'm talking going to the gym, lifting up and putting down appropriate weights for their strength, using the cardio equipment, going on bike rides, etc. 

My mom recently has been experiencing some discomfort in her knee.  She really enjoys sprints on the treadmill (a HIIT workout), but this bothers her knee.  So after about a year of annoyance, the discomfort got bad enough to warrant a trip to see her friendly PT.  Leading up to her appointment and as her pain worsened she would back off from activities at the gym and even took a few more rest days than normal.  However, she couldn't just quit going to the gym.  Matter of fact I think her exact words were "I just can't NOT go to the gym."  Now I know where I get it from... :)

So she will do the prescribed exercises the PT gives her and refrain from those that bother her and she will heal. 

My dad had double hip replacement a couple months ago.  He was discharged early from PT b/c he was so compliant and so in shape prior to his surgery that the PT just couldn't do more for him.  He was that ready to ease back in to his normal gym routine.  Such a proud daughter!!!

I plan to be the same example for my kids. 

What kind of tree are/were your parents?  What kind of tree are you or do you plan to be?  What kind of apples do you plan to have? 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

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