Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The next four weeks

I totally meant to write this post on Sunday, but the weekend [and Monday and Tuesday] got away from me.

Sunday kicked off the next four weeks for me.  I like to set small goals, something to work towards.  It keeps my motivation up.  So I picked an event we have in 4 weeks that I want to lean out for.  Pick a date with a reason and go for it.  Be it a friend's wedding, your wedding, a class reunion, a vacation, whatever.  Find your motivation.  We all want to look our best and feel our best.  Every one's best is different.  Remember.  So I picked my aim and am gearing for that.  4 weeks.  What will I be doing?  Who will join me????

Since I'm already accustomed to Jamie Eason's Livefit trainer, I'm going to be doing phase 3 in the next four weeks. (http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jamie-easons-livefit-phase-3.html)  If you are unfamiliar, the 12-week program is designed in three phases.  Phase 1 is the muscle building phase.  Phase 2 is the fat burning phase.  Phase 3 is the leaning out phase.  Phase 3 of this program isn't meant to last a lifetime.  It's just not realistic as far as tempo and nutrition.  It is great for a little bit of tweaking here and there and for doing some extra leaning out, which is my goal.

With my current school load I won't be able to do this phase exactly as scheduled.  My current life just doesn't allow for 6 workout days per week, given that I commute to NYC and I love my kids and cherish my minimal time with them.  I will tell you that I will still always have one cheat meal per week, usually Fridays.

This will be my third time doing Phase 3.  The first time was when I did the trainer all the way through.  The second time was in prep for my girlfriends wedding, and now this time.  I like the results it gives me in the way of tone and definition.  I will probably lose some muscle mass, but I'm not worried about that.  Leaning is my goal.

As far as nutrition, for the next two weeks I will eat my typical meals (see posts on my facebook wall or previous blog posts).  I will move the complex carb I usually ate at dinner to meal 4 and not have carbs after that meal on a daily basis.  The last two weeks, I will loosely carb cycle.  Meaning I will have low carb days and high carb days.  I don't count calories or macronutrients.  The great thing about this program is it's dumby proof.  Jamie Eason gives meal suggestions and I will follow those without counting calories.  I just don't have the patience for that.  On days I work large muscle groups - chest, back, legs, I will have high carbs.  On days I work smaller muscle groups, I will have low carb days.  Carb cycling can be rough if you really stick to it.  I have yet to REALLY stick to carb cycling.  And it is NOT meant to be a permanent way of eating.

Cardio will consist of 30 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) on the treadmill of 30 second sprints on and off.  You straddle the sides during your rest time.  Cardio will be every day I do not do legs and generally be 4 days per week.

So who's with me?  Who wants to join me?  It doesn't have to be phase 3.  But pick something.  You can do it, I promise.  Set smalls goals.  Commit to a permanent lifestyle change.

I produce A LOT of sweat during HIIT!  If you like my top and sports bra (love them), check out www.bodyrocksport.com!  
I suppose I should take a before and after so we can see the difference over the next four weeks.  Remind me tomorrow before I workout!  ;)

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