Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A reboot of the blog

It's been a hot minute (or maybe a hot 2 years) since I blogged.  I recently had a friend (my future business partner in crime J. ShuBourne) ask me why I don't reboot this thing.  So here I am.

J. ShuBourne, future business partner

The blog started out 4 years ago as a fitness, clean eating, lifestyle blog which is what it will remain.  I walked away from the blog 2 years ago when I met my new gym home, Crossfit New Windsor.  I made a conscious decision to stop blogging because I know not everyone likes or agrees with Crossfit. I started loving Crossfit so much that I knew it would be all I would talk about in a blog.  I actually avoid Crossfit type arguments because it's just not worth my time.  I love Crossfit, plain and simple.  I also love Crossfit New Windsor.  The unfortunate thing is I moved from NY --> NC because of the Army about 8 weeks ago.  I no longer physically have Crossfit New Windsor but I have a lifetime of family and friends.  I still follow their workouts and every now and then they let me FaceTime in to a WOD.  :)  I digress.

My CFNW crew at a competition summer 2014, oh my heart is full

Now to fill the void of losing my gym love, CFNW, I'm going to reboot the blog!  In a sense this will be my welcome back blog.  I'm kind of all over the place with life.  I'm finishing up (tomorrow!) my last clinical rotation EVER for Physical Therapy school.  I'm a mommy to Bryn and Brody who start preK and Kindergarten respectively in a week and a half.  I'm an Army wife to Matt. I'm an Army Reserve Officer. I'm an entrepreneur.  I'm a coach.

The babes

I'm looking forward to starting my career as a PT and LOVING the decision to only work part-time.  School was so grueling and time consuming, and I feel like I lost time from the kids when they were little.  I will finally be able to take the kids to school and pick them up.  I work on my terms.  What a cool feeling!!!!  Selfishly, I also know that making the decision to work part-time will give me time to workout.  Allowing myself time to workout makes me mentally balanced and thus a better mom and wife.  And we all know the saying, Happy Wife Happy Life!

I hope you all will join along and enjoy reading my blog posts.  Please send me some love by subscribing to the blog and finding me on social media instagram @larachase.