It's not secret that I like fitness. It's my happy place. It kind of always has been. Friends tell me "it's just my thing" and it might not be their thing. I get that. We all have our things.
But that doesn't mean you should forgo fitness. We all have to do things in life that we dislike. I despise school. Going back to school after a 7 year hiatus while having 2 small kids is by far the HARDEST thing I have ever done. I would take 10 deployments and 50 jumps with combat equipment out of a perfectly good airplane over school any day. However, this gets me to an outcome that I will love and have always wanted.
What is my point? My point is your health. Your health. Forget the scale, forget the aesthetic appearance. Forget the size 4 or 6 or whatever. I don't care about that stuff for you. Simply your health. Movement is health. As we age, movement will get harder. That is why movement now is key.
So I put together a small group of my friends around the globe to do monthly movement challenges. I created a facebook group for us and each friend will host a different movement challenge. These are simple movements like the sit ups, the squat, the push up, walking, running, etc. My intent to to help motivate each other.
Some might ask "why do I need to squat?" Well when you perhaps move into a new house and you are moving boxes, you will need to squat down to pick up that box. "Why would I need to do a push up?" Well what if you fall, trip, and break your ankle (it could happen) while taking your dog for a walk around the block. You are laying flat on your stomach and you need to push yourself up in order to be able to sit up to get your cell phone our of your pocket. Or simply just being able to get up and down to play with your kids. You want to grow old to see your kids grow up and play with their kids too. Move MOVE MOVE!!!!!!
Just go move.