Ask yourself if you are happy? Are you healthy? And do you feel good? Every one's goals are different in this physical game called life. First and for most, you should be happy with who you are, the body you have, and the life you have. Never strive to be anyone else. You should be the best you. I just want to make sure you are trying for the best you.
How to make some changes.
1) Do you own a scale? If so, THROW IT AWAY! Stop obsessing over a number. The number on the scale is silly and frankly is just going to drive you insane.
Same weight, different body fat percentage. Stop obsessing over the scale. |
2) Have you been doing the same thing (whatever it is) for 'working out' over and over and over again and don't seem to be getting anywhere? Okay, let's make the change. I'm sure if you have read this blog before you know what my recommendation would be to kick start a physical change in your life. Click here to find out.
3) What are you eating habits? If you eat like (pardon my french) shit, how do you expect to see change? I'm a firm believer of 80% of your results are from diet and 20% are from working out. Simple, ladies stop eating crap. If you need a good meal plan recommendation, click the link on bullet #2. While you are researching the meal plan, go ahead and figure out how you are going to tackle fitting an hour of gym time in too and start working out. Here is a sample of how much I eat in a day.
4) Set goals. Small goals. Run a mile. Work out 3 days next week. Complete a 5K in three months. Be able to do a pull-up. Be able to do all your push ups not on your knees. Whatever. Without goals, how are you working towards change?
5) Find a partner. Gather your friends. Everyone can always use a swift kick in the behind to get things going. Most of the time fitness is more fun with friends anyway. And if you are someone who doesn't like to do fitness with others, that's fine to. JUST DO FITNESS!
Fitness can be aesthetically pleasing, but more importantly I would like to see everyone working on getting fit for their health. We all want to be in this for the long haul right? And while we are at it, we want that long haul to be enjoyable, free of pain/illness/sickness, and generally easy. I promise you if you don't live a fit health life, the long haul will be hard. You might not think so now, but it will be.