Oh boy, I have been absent from blogging in what seems like forever. October was/is the month of midterms in school and they smacked me in the face. Everything got put on the back burner for these tests, to include fitness and eating. I was lucky if I got in one workout a week and some weeks I didn't get any in. It should seem simple, get up early to work out, right? Or go later? Not exactly with a two hour commute [one way] to school and two precious babies that I would choose ANY day over anything. So in order to preserve limited time with them the gym time had to go.
Thanks to Hurricane Sandy, this week I'll actually be able to work out consistently for 5 days! Ahhh, it feels so good.
I'm only human so during midterms I ate like flat out crap. Meal 1, M2, M3, M4 and M6 were usually still consistent with what I eat every day, however I indulged almost every day at dinner. Especially when I would stay late at school and not have a dinner plan in place. Add on top of that the amount of candy and cookies we ate while we were studying. But according to our Histology professors this summer, it's okay b/c your brain uses up the glucose with intense studying. So I'll just keep telling myself that it didn't go to my belly.
Really though, excess sugar in the diet goes straight to your belly. So if you want to slim your stomach down abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. I would recommend hitting the gym too though in addition.
Luckily though I didn't fall completely off the deep end. When I first changed my fitness focus almost a year ago from distance running to resistance training and high intensity interval training, I went hard for 12 weeks with minimal slip ups. I find now that when I do slip up, I'm able to not entirely lose everything I worked so hard for. The best advice I can give is to tell you to NOT keep falling off the deep end. Don't dwell on what you did before today, and now it's time to get back in the game.
I'm sorry this post doesn't have any delicious meal ideas or fitness photos. Take this as your motivation to start eating right and find some sort of physical fitness to take part in. Oh and this post is to let you all know I'm definitely human.