Now that I've said that, I had some issues over the weekend shaking my sweet tooth. I always do well during the week because it's a structured setting. However, with work coming to a close for me after today, this is going to be an uphill battle. Once I start school full time in mid-June I'll be back to a schedule, but until then I must stay strong.
Once I started monitoring and being conscious of my sugar intake, I really saw a difference in my overall physique. I truly believe 80% of your results come from diet and the other 20% from working out. So go get in the kitchen where your abs are made, not in the gym. If you want a cut stomach, limit your sugars (and of course workout too, it does help). But by merely going to the gym and doing ab exercises for an hour every day and then coming home and eating whatever you want that is bad for you, is not going to get you where you want to be. Read labels people! You would be surprised what has more sugar in it than you think. If you don't care about your physique, then by all means eat whatever you would like.
Yesterday, I wanted to make something to feed sweet tooth and make it as healthy as possible with the ingredients I had. I found a cinnamon chocolate chip protein bar recipe on The Gracious Pantry ( that pretty much did the trick. And yes, I ate more than the prescribed serving size, oops. They are pretty tasty. Both Matt and I agreed that they kind of have a store bought protein bar consistency, but we both give them a positive review. Click on the link below the picture for the recipe and other great recipes from the website.
Clean Eating Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Protein Bars |
The next video is just for fun and for those of my friends who aren't in to fitness will think I'm crazy. For everyone else, you will understand. The WOD I was doing today had handstand pushups in it. I can't do them by myself so I use resistance bands. This is my first time attempting them ever and I was by myself. Fairly successful. You can see around rep 20 my necklace started irritating me as it was caught on my nose.
What I did today:
Squat: 5 repetitions x 5 sets @ 130lbs (focusing on getting low)
30 handstand pushups (band assist)
40 pullups (band assist)
50 kettlebell swings
60 situps
70 burpees (Shoot me now, I hate burpees. Then again, who actually likes them?)